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Date: November 18, 2020

Location: Zoom presentation

Time: 7:00 PM-8:30 PM

Topic: Treating TMD and Orofacial Pain with Physical Therapy

Speaker: Mr. Ryan Lynch, PT


Dear Doctor,


Halloween is in the rear-view mirror and Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching.  The Greater Catonsville Dental Study Club is rounding the curve for our second meeting of the 2020-21 academic year.  The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday night November 18, 2020 at 7 PM.  The topic for the evening program is entitled Treating TMD and Orofacial Pain with Physical Therapy. 


This interactive lecture provides a basic understanding of temporomandibular disorders and craniofacial pain. Both the anatomy and biomechanics of the normal and dysfunctional temporomandibular joints are reviewed. The differentiation between myofascial related pain and internal derangements is highlighted, with emphasis on the interrelationship between the cervical spine and the TMJ. Participants will gain insight into the in-depth physical therapy evaluation of orofacial pain patients, including cervical and upper quarter screens. Physical therapy treatment is discussed, noting postural education, cessation of parafunction, modalities, manual therapy, and dry needling. Contemporary research is noted throughout the lecture to support the utilization of skilled physical therapy to successfully treat this complex patient population.


Our speaker for the evening program is Mr. Ryan Lynch, PT.  Lynch Physical Therapy is conveniently located in Towson and Severna Park, MD.


Ryan Lynch has over 18 years of experience as a PT and is an active member of an elite group of physical therapists who are specialized in the treatment of orofacial and associated cervical pain. With the distinction of CCTT, he is one of only 70 physical therapists in North America who have qualified to specialize, through the PTBCCT (Physical Therapy Board of Craniofacial & Cervical Therapeutics) in this unique area. To maintain this specialization, Ryan is required to consistently take additional coursework and monitor research in the area of TMD treatment. Furthermore, Ryan has the distinction of a certification in orofacial dry needling. While dry needling is an advanced skill in physical therapy, Ryan has achieved accreditation on performing this technique to the neck and face. This high-level training allows an extremely comprehensive approach to treatment of TMD and orofacial pain.


The course objectives for this coming evening program should familiarize each participant with the integral role of the various modalities of physical therapy which are available to accelerate the successful treatment of the symptoms associated with TMD. 



·         Review basic TMJ anatomy, biomechanics, and pathomechanics.

·         Recognize how postural and cervical dysfunction contribute to TMJ disorders.

·         Evaluate TMJ dysfunction, including muscles of mastication, and develop a working hypothesis for treatment.

·         Identify the PT’s role in the dental community for the treatment of TMD.


Please join us for this informative educational program.  The first thing that you have to do is send in your dues for the current Study Club academic year.  Dues for the 2020-21 calendar year are $300.  Checks should be made out to the Greater Catonsville Dental Study Club and Mailed to Dr. Wink St Cyr.  Wink’s office address is 2114 Edmondson Avenue, Catonsville, MD 21228.  You will not be able to receive CE credit for courses attended unless you have paid your study club dues.  Our administrator, Ms Danielle St Cyr, will be sending out an EVITE for each study Club meeting 10-14 days prior to the meeting.  Check the Greater Catonsville Study Club website ( to make sure that we have your proper email address and mailing address as well as cell phone number and office phone number.  Once that you have responded to the EVITE you will receive a confirmation that you have been registered for the upcoming CE program.  A Zoom link will be sent to you 24 hours prior to the CE course presentation date.  Please try to Zoom in 15 minutes prior to the start of the program.  If you have any issues Zooming in call me on my cell phone at 410-978-6454 and I’ll walk you through the process.


Please save the date for the next few study club meetings.  The date and topics for these meetings can be found on the study Club website (  The next meeting is scheduled for Monday night January 18, 2021.  A new long lasting local anesthetic, Exparel, will be the topic for discussion.  A nationally known Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon that has incorporated the utilization of this local anesthetic in to his clinical practice will give a succinct overview of the applications of Exparel in both general dental and specialty practices.  The March meeting is scheduled for Wednesday evening March 17, 2021.  A local Internal Medicine physician will familiarize our group on the medical management of the diabetic patient, the hypertensive patient, the asthmatic patient and a patient with coronary artery disease.  We need to more effectively be able to communicate with our medical colleagues.  This evening program will get us on the right tract of medical communication with our physician colleagues.  The final evening program is scheduled for Monday night May 17, 2021.  Dr. Gary Wharburton , from the University of Maryland OMFS Department , will give us an overview of the non-surgical treatment modalities of the TMD patient that can be implemented in our practices today.  Don’t forget about our all day meeting which is scheduled for April 21,2021.  The topic for the all day meeting is entitled:” Monolythic Materials Masterclass: Working with Lithium Disilicates and Zirconia”.  The speaker for the all day program is Dr. Michael DiTolla.  A decision will be made on potential live meetings in the spring of 2021.  For the time being everything is scheduled to be held on the Zoom platform. 

RSVP for the upcoming events once that you receive your EVITE for the program.  See you virtually on November 18,2020.  Any questions please feel free to email me at  You may also call me at my office at 410-744-4222 or on my cell phone at 410-978-6454.



Dave Bastacky



Date: September 21, 2020

Time:  7 PM

Location: Zoom Program

Speaker: Dr. David Bastacky, DMD,OMFS

Topic:  Innovations in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery( Digital Workflow Applications in OMFS)


Dear Doctor,

     The 2020-2021 Greater Catonsville Dental Study Club year is ready to launch.  The board of directors met earlier this summer and put together a great series of lectures for the upcoming study club calendar year.  The Covid 19 pandemic has made it impossible to meet live and in person at least until the January meeting of 2021.  We successfully had several Zoom meetings this past spring and will continue meeting via Zoom until the Pandemic crisis has passed.   You will be sent an EVITE for each upcoming program.  You cannot share your EVITE or Zoom link with anyone else.  Once that you have responded via the EVITE that you are interested in attending a particular program you will be sent a link to that particular program.  The day of the program another identical link will be sent to you so that you will able to easily Zoom in to the program.  Only those individuals that pre-register for the ZOOM program with our administrator, Danielle St Cyr, will receive CE certificates for attending the program.  If you have any questions regarding the process of registering for these programs please feel free to e-mail me at .  I will forward your questions directly to Danielle.  She will be glad to work with you to get you on track to participate with all of our programs.

     The first evening program is scheduled for Monday night September 21, 2020 at 7 PM via Zoom.  The topic for the evening program is entitled Innovations in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.  The program will show how the digital work flow has been incorporated in to completing computer guided surgery for Orthognathic Surgery, TM Joint reconstruction and All On 4 dental implant Hybrid surgery/ and Hybrid fixed implant restorations.  The speaker for the evening program is Dr. David Bastacky.  Dave has been an integral member of the study club since it was started in 1992.  He has been in private practice in Catonsville, MD since May of 1990.  Dr. Bastacky has been  a part time clinical instructor at the Johns Hopkins University Hospital in the Division of Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery since 2004.  Many speakers talk about paradigm shifts in the way that their practice of dentistry or medicine has transformed.  The digital workflow has rapidly changed the way that Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is practiced.  Applications of the digital work flow have improved predictability of various surgical procedures.  Because of improved predictability the practitioner’s confidence levels have also increased.  Computer guided surgical procedures have improved surgical outcomes and at the same time have reduced actual operating time.  The surgical procedures can be completed virtually before ever entering the operating room.  Come with me on my journey through the digital work flow.  Every aspect of dentistry has been touch by the digital workflow.   Orthodontic applications include Invisalign treatment planning and implementation.  Orthodontic growth analysis can be completed by inputting Dicom images from a ConeBeam CBCT in to Dolphin software along with STL files from an intra oral scanner.  Take a trip to the dental lab and see the limitless applications of the digital work flow as it applies to restorative dentistry.  There is no need for a wax up of any restorative cosmetic case any longer.  The virtual wax up can be done on your computer as the master dental technicians can now remote in to your computer and complete the wax up with your input.  The digital workflow should be embraced as we enter in to this great new world that lays ahead of us.

     The remaining dates for the study club year are as follows: September 21,2020(Monday), November 18, 2020(Wednesday), January 18,2021(Monday), March 17,2021(Wednesday), All day meeting, April 21,2021(Wednesday), May 17,2021 (Monday), Annual CPR course Wednesday  June 2,2021.  The evening programs will cover a variety of different topics.  The November meeting will feature a local physical therapist who specializes in the management of TMD patients.  He will talk about the various modalities that he utilizes to manage this complex group of patients.  The January meeting will cover a new local anesthetic by the name of Exparel.  This is a form of Bupivicaine that is bound to a lisosome.  This form of Marcaine provides profound anaesthesia for the first 72 hours post op.  The main advantage of the anesthetic is that there is no need for narcotic analgesia post operatively after various dental surgical procedures.  This local anesthetics is cover by most prescription benefit plans.  The March program will focus on an Internal Medicine presentation   A local internal medicine physician will cover management issues connected with the hypertensive patient , the diabetic patient, the asthmatic patient and much more .  Learn how the medical community manages these patients.  Get an understanding of how well controlled your patient population is when it comes to these various medical conditions.  The May program will cover the non-surgical management of the TMD patient.  Gary Wharburton, a full time faculty member of the University of Maryland OMFS department, has a great lecture on the non-surgical management of the TMD patient.  I’m sure he will offer numerous pearls on his treatment algorithm for the non-surgical TMD patient.  The all day meeting from 2020 has been rescheduled to April  21, 2021.  The title of the program is Monolithic Materials Masterclass: Working with Lithium Disilcates and Zirconia.  The speaker will be Dr. Michael DiTolla.

     Your continued support of the study club is vital during the COVID 19 crisis.  Please send your dues for the upcoming study club year to Dr. Wink St Cyr.  Wink’s office address is 2115 Edmondson Ave, Catonsville, MD 21228.  Dues for the upcoming study club year remain at $300.  Checks should be made out to the Greater Catonsville Dental Study Club.  Hope to see you on Zoom in a couple of weeks.  Guests are always welcome to any of our study club programs.  The guest fee for the evening programs is set at $75/ meeting.  The all day meeting guest fee will be determined at a later time.  Please check your listing on the study club website(  Make sure that your e-mail address is accurate.  This e-mail address is the main way that we will communicate with you.  You will receive an EVITE for the September meeting in the very near future.  Please respond that you will be attending so that you will then receive a link for the Zoom program. Talk soon.




Dr. David C. Bastacky



Re: Greater Catonsville Dental Study Club Meeting                                                          

Date: January 15, 2020

Time: 6:15- 8:30 PM

Location: Rolling Road Gold Club

Topic: Dental Management of the Hepatitis and HIV positive patient

Speaker: Dr. David C. Bastacky, DMD,OMFS


Dear Doctor,

     Welcome to a new decade.  The end of the year holidays provided a wonderful time to relax and at the same time reflect on the past year.  Holiday weeks provide much needed rest from our busy work and social schedules.  It’s time to refocus on the upcoming study club event that is scheduled for Wednesday night January 15, 2020.  The topic for the upcoming study club program is entitled  “Dental Management of the Hepatitis (A,B,C) and HIV Positive Patient”.  The speaker for the evening presentation is Dr. David Bastacky.  Dr. Bastacky has been associated with the Catonsville Dental Study Club since its inception in 1992.  Dr. Bastacky has practiced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery here in Catonsville since 1990.  He teaches one day a week at the Johns Hopkins University Hospital.  He is a clinical instructor in the Division of Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.  Hepatitis and HIV have been intimately connected with the dental profession since the late 1970’s.  As healthcare providers we have been exposed to treating patients that have been diagnosed as Hepatitis B, NonA/Non B Hepatitis carriers, Hepatitis C carriers and HIV/AIDS patients for as long as these diseases have been identified by our medical colleagues.  Prior to the utilization of universal precautions dentists, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and General Pathologists had significantly higher rates of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis NonA/NonB  relative to the general population.  Much has evolved since the 1970’s relative to our understanding and management of these infectious patients.  The first breakthrough came with the ability to serologically diagnose Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV.  Next came vaccine programs to prevent contraction of Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B.  Retroviral therapy has been developed to treat both Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS.  The US and the rest of the industrialized world can now see the day when these infectious diseases will no longer be an active threat to our society.  For the time being these infectious diseases still remain a threat to healthcare provides all over the globe.  The third world continues to struggle with all 4 of these infectious diseases.  Strategies will be discussed to cover post exposure prophylaxis  and serological testing of Hepatits B, Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS exposure events.  Please come to the evening program with lots of questions.  This lecture would be appropriate for the entire dental team.

     Two hours of CE credit will be awarded for attending this informative evening presentation.  Guests are always welcome.  The guest fee is $70.  Checks should be made out to the Greater Catonsville Dental Study Club.  Please mail your checks to Dr. Wink St. Cyr, DDS,  2114 Edmondson Ave., Catonsville, MD 21228.  Please mail your checks for guests and staff ASAP.  Payment the evening of the program will be $75/person.  We would prefer payment in advance of the evening program.  A warm buffet dinner will be served starting at 6:15 PM.  The evening program will begin promptly at 7 PM. 

     Please place the following study club events on your work calendar:


  • 3-16-20 Prescribing Prescription Drugs with Proper Disposal/ Narcotics Update/ Drug information Update.  This evening program will satisfy the Maryland State Board of Dental Examiners requirement for a Narcotics update seminar needed for relicensure.  Speaker –Dr. Richard Wynn, Pharm D.  Location-Union Jack’s Pub, Columbia ,MD

  • 4-22-20 Monolythic Materials Masterclass: Working with Lithium Disilicates and Zirconia.  Speaker- Dr. Michael DiTolla. Location-Rolling Road Golf Club (all day symposium)

  • 5-20-20 OSHA Update(satisfies the Maryland State Board of Dental Examiners requirement for OSHA training for relicensure) . Speaker Ms. Lori Sera . Location- Rolling Road Golf Club.

  • Annual Healthcare Provider CPR Course.  Location-Maryland State Dental Association Headquarters, Columbia, MD.

  • Annual Orioles Baseball game.  Date not available at this time.

Please RSVP to my office if you are planning on attending the January 15, 2020 evening program at the Rolling Road Golf Club.  My office phone number is 410-744-4222.  My e-mail address is  Please refer to the Study club website if you need information on any of the upcoming study club events.  The address of the study club website is  See you in less than 2 weeks.



Dave Bastacky



Date: November 18, 2019

Time: 6:15-9 PM

Location: Matthew’s 1600 Restaurant

Speaker Dr. Thomas Viola, PharmD

Topic : Local Anesthetics, Vasoconstrictors, and Clinical Considerations.  “I Have Become….Comfortably Numb”

Sponsor: Colgate Oral


Dear Doctor,

     Leaves are raining down on us like the snowflakes of the harvest season.  Halloween is just around the corner.  The Greater Catonsville Dental Study is moving forward into the meat of our academic year.  The topic for the November meeting of the study club is entitled “I have become …Comfortably numb.”  The learning objectives for the evening program are as follows:

  1. The participant should be able to explain the basic mechanism of local anesthetic agents

  2. The participant should be able to differentiate between the two major classes of local anesthetic agents with respect to their distribution, metabolism, adverse effects, drug interactions and contraindications

  3. The participant should be able to discuss the rationale for the use of vasoconstrictors in local anesthetic solutions and their potential effects in common organ disease states

  4. The participant should be able to specify the various local anesthetic agent combinations most commonly used in dentistry and the rationale for their use in specific clinical situations.


Management of odontogenic pain may be accomplished through a clinical approach that successfully incorporates intra operative local anesthesia.  However, improper and inappropriate use of local anesthetic agents has the potential to produce life threatening, systemic adverse reactions.  Thus, a thorough knowledge  of the pharmacology and therapeutics of local anesthetic agents is essential for their safe and effective use.


This program will provide participants with an overview of local anesthetic agents commonly used in dental practice.  Special emphasis will be given to developing strategies and techniques essential to accurately identify the need for pain control, individualize patient care, and assess the efficacy of the local anesthetics administered.


With over 30 years experience as a pharmacist, educator, speaker and author, Tom Viola, R.PH.,C.C.P. has earned his reputation as the go-to specialist for delivering quality continuing education content through his informative engaging presentations.  Tom’s sellout programs provide an overview of the most prevalent oral and systemic diseases and the most frequently prescribed drugs used in their treatment.  Special emphasis is given to dental considerations and strategies for effective patient care planning.


As a clinical educator, Tom is a member of the faculty of twelve dental professional degree programs and has received several awards for outstanding teacher of the year.  Tom instructs dental hygiene students and practice dental hygienists in pharmacology and local anesthetic preparation for national board exams.


As a published writer, Tom is well known internationally for his contributions to several professional journals in the areas of pharmacology, pain management and local anesthesia.  In addition, Tom has served as a contributor, chapter author, and peer reviewer for several pharmacology textbooks.


As a speaker, Tom has presented continuing education courses to dental professionals internationally since 2001.  Meeting planners agree that Tom is their choice to educate audiences within the dental specialty.


The November meeting will be held at Matthew’s 1600 Restaurant at 1600 Frederick Road.  Dinner starts at 6:15 PM.  The evening program begins promptly at 7 PM.  Two hours of Continuing education credit will be awarded for attending this informative evening presentation.  Guests are always welcome - the guest fee will be set at $60 for dental hygienists and staff.  The guest fee for doctors will be $75.  Checks should be made out to the Greater Catonsville Dental Study Club.  Please mail your checks to Dr. Wink St Cyr.  His office address is 2114 Edmondson Ave. Catonsville, MD 21228.  For those of you that have not yet sent in your dues please mail them to Dr. St Cyr ASAP.  Dues for the 2019-20 study club year remain at $300.


Please refer to the study club website for a list of upcoming meetings.  RSVP to my office if you are planning on attending the November meeting of the study club.  My office phone number is 410-744-4222.  You can also RSVP via e-mail.  My e-mail address is  Hope to hear from you soon.



Dave Bastacky




Date: September 18, 2019

Time: 6:16- 8:30 PM

Location: Matthew’s 1600

Topic: Acupuncture for the treatment of Xerostomia and for traumatic pain control

Speaker: Dr. Joan Ordman, MD


Dear Doctor,

     The school year starts next week.  This is a signal that the study club year is officially ready to begin.  Our executive board has put together a great schedule for the 2019-2020 study club year.  Our first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday night September 18, 2019.  Dr. Joan Ordman  will be our evening presenter.  Dr. Ordman graduated from the University of Maryland School of Medicine with her MD degree in 1986.  After an internship in internal medicine at University of Pittsburgh, she completed her training in Internal Medicine at the University of Miami, Jackson Memorial Hospital.
       After a 2-year stint as an Emergency Room Physician, she entered into private practice in Internal Medicine.  In addition to Internal Medicine, she is also boarded in Integrative Medicine and is a Fellow in the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture. She specializes in pain control and treating individuals that don't respond to conventional treatments.  In 2011 she was asked by the Navy to set up the first inpatient acupuncture service for pain control for the Wounded Warriors 24 hours off the battlefield. This has now become standard of care in the Military in both inpatient and outpatient settings, on the battlefield and to the Special Forces.  She has also taught this technique throughout the country.
 She has frequently lectured at the Johns Hopkins Medical School and the University of Maryland and throughout the country on integrating conventional medicine with holistic medicine.
     In addition to working as a medical consultant with the Social Security Administration, she has a private practice in Owings Mills, MD and volunteers giving medical services to the uninsured.  She has participated in projects to Nicaragua and Tanzania giving medical care in these underserved areas.


This course will focus on alternative treatments for Xerostomia, whether caused by surgery, radiation, medication or autoimmune causes. 
These treatments can modify the symptoms for months to years, and are safe, effective and usually require only 2-3 treatments.  Hopefully there will be time to address the applications of Acupuncture in the treatment of traumatic pain. 

     Two hours of CE credit will be awarded for attending this informative evening presentation.  Guests are always welcome.  The guest fee is $70.  Checks should be made out to the Greater Catonsville Dental Study Club.  Please send in your dues for the 2019-2020 study club year.  Dues remain stable at $300 for the 5 evening programs.    This year’s programming will include a Narcotics Update course presented by Dr. Dick Wynn and an OSHA Update.  Both of these courses are core requirements by the State Board of Dental Examiners for renewal of your dental license.  The remaining evening programs will be an overview of Hepatitis, TB and HIV ,presented by Dr. David Bastacky, and an update on innovations /pharmacology of local anesthetic agents, presented by Dr. Thomas Viola.  We are still working on the all day meeting which is scheduled for April 22, 2020.

     Please go to the study club website and check to make sure that your demographic information is accurate. The website address is   RSVP for the upcoming study club meeting scheduled for September 18, 2019 by either calling my office at 410-744-4222 or e-mailing me at  Send your dues to Dr. Wink St Cyr at 2114 Edmondson Avenue, Catonsville, MD 21228.  See you in a couple of weeks.




Dave Bastacky



Date: March 20, 2019

Time: 6:15 PM to 8:30 PM

Location: Rolling Road Golf Club

Topic: Understanding the Diagnosis and Treatment Options of the Sleep Apnea Patient

Speaker: Ms. Linda Blackiston, RDH

Sponsor: Phillips Sonicare


Dear Doctor,

     The groundhog didn’t see his shadow.  According to Punxsutawney Phil , we should see an early spring.  He knows more about weather forecasting than Marty Bass.  I won’t ask him for the weather forecast for March 20, 2019.  Plan on attending the upcoming evening program sponsored by the Greater Catonsville Dental Study Club which is scheduled on March 20, 2019.  The evening program is entitled “Understanding the Diagnosis and Treatment Options of the Sleep Apnea Patient”. Ms. Linda Blackiston,RDH, from Phillips Sonicare, will be the evening speaker.  Dental professionals are on the front line when it comes to discussing Sleep Apnea with our Baby Boomer dental patients.  Sleep medicine  has become a hot button topic in an era when patients are looking for a clear alternative to CPAP to manage Obstuctive Sleep Apnea.  Topics to be covered in this evening program about OSA include :  identifying the clinical signs and symptoms of the sleep apnea patient, understanding the components of a sleep study, learning the language of a sleep study, and determining which treatment modalities are available to the OSA population.  Where does the dental practitioner fit in to the treatment sequence of the OSA patient?  Hopefully Linda will also discuss the medical billing options associated with sleep medicine consultations, and sleep medicine TAP appliances.  The train has long ago left the station when it comes to diagnosis and treatment of the sleep apnea patient.  It’s not too late to jump onboard this moving train.

     The evening program will be held at the Rolling Road Golf Club in Catonsville, MD.  A hearty dinner buffet will be served prior to the start of the evening program.  Dinner starts at 6:15 PM.  The evening program will begin promptly at 7 PM.  One and one half hours of continuing education credit will be awarded for attending this informative evening program.  Guests are always welcome.  The guest fee is $75.  Checks should be made out to the Greater Catonsville Dental Study Club.  Please register your guests in advance.  Checks should be mailed to Dr. Wink St. Cyr.  His office address is 2114 Edmondson Ave., Catonsville, MD 21228.  Please RSVP to my office by calling 410-744-4222 or by responding via      e-mail.  My e-mail address is

      Please refer to the enclosed brochure regarding the All Day Symposium  scheduled for April 24,2019.  The speaker for the all day meeting is Dr. Dennis Lynch DSS, PhD ,an Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologist          from Marquette University School of Dental Medicine.   Patients frequently present with unusual, interesting and often significant oral diseases, infections, syndromes and other conditions.  This course is designed to provide dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants with information on a variety of relevant, but otherwise unrelated topics.  The course is divided in to four sections: Recurrent Oral Ulcers, Infectious Hazards, Salivary Gland Diseases, and Oral Cancer.  Emphasis will be placed on the clinical recognition, diagnosis and management of these entities.  The All Day Symposium is a great dental team building activity.  We can only have a successful meeting if the study club membership supports and attends the all day program.  Ten to twelve vendors will be at the meeting to show their support for our study club.

     The Annual Healthcare Provider CPR Course is scheduled for Tuesday night June 11, 2019 at the MSDA Headquarters  in Columbia, MD.  Sign up for the course and bring your staff.  The Maryland State Board of Dental Examiners  requires this course for dental relicensure. 

     Look for information about the Annual Oriole Baseball game in late June 2019.  Not sure who the opponent will be at this time.  Should be an interesting year for the Orioles.

     See you in a couple of weeks.




Dave Bastacky

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